It Tends To Be More Fragile Those Who Look Less

Whoever looks less is usually more fragile.

It tends to be more fragile who looks less. Those who wear massive armor and have smiles of admirable courage and courage usually hide a glass heart, which reflects and cries secret bitterness. Abysses of deep sadness that he could not resolve.

The secretly fragile person is also often incredibly passive. Sometimes a little act of gratitude or kindness fills her with happiness. However,  the slightest mistake or disappointment experienced makes these people despair. We talk about this “hypersensitivity” with which the fragile person is so shocked in their daily lives.

We all know people who apparently bear all the burdens life puts on their backs, but make no mistake: they wear masks the color of false courage. And they even wear the armor of heroes from other times. However,  just put on your armor a little to see that they are full of rust from your inner sufferings. For the hidden tears.

Every fragile person hides the sensitivity of creatures who, although wise, have a high need for esteem. Their skin is very thin and will instantly react to any changes. Any censorship or misinterpretation of a context will be felt as a threat.

We propose that you deepen with us the complex issue of human frailty.

butterfly hands

The fragile person and emotional vulnerability

First, let’s define what we mean by emotional fragility. Being fragile in no way means being weak. It means, above all, seeing and understanding reality from a more intimate perspective, from the heart itself. However, this implies, in turn, a complex inverse: that of emotional vulnerability.

To protect this delicate interior, people often armor themselves with different types of armor. There are those who demonstrate a strong and energetic personality, setting limits. These are people who at times seem to be at war with the world. However, and we have to take this into account, those who are always on the alert end up exhausted by so much psychological and emotional exhaustion.

Because those who understand life as continuous self-defense will only accumulate sufferings.

woman in the moon

The fragile heart that has been badly hurt becomes suspicious. Little by little develops a passive personality that interprets any act as an offense. A conversation turns into a battle. A sentence said in a certain tone is felt as a complaint. As Leonardo da Vinci said, “where there is more sensitivity, there is more martyrdom”.

However, we can all channel this fragility in a creative, healthy and powerful way to delimit such suffering.

Make our fragility our strong point

It’s always been that way, and that’s how you’ve tried to survive so far. As a child, you created a fantasy world that fits you because you didn’t like what you saw. As a teenager, you came to the conclusion that no one would understand you, and then you felt scared. In adulthood you feel that no one loves you as you deserve, and to fear is added anger as well.

You have been adding “onion skins” to your inner self, completely disconnecting from the only force capable of giving you what you need: your self-esteem. Understand that life is not a battleground that you must defend against at all times. Growing, maturing and advancing means rediscovering ourselves to stop seeing enemies where there are none. 


Learning to survive in a world of pins

People reject fragility almost instinctively. For us, perceiving ourselves as more sensitive means a threat and therefore we choose to protect ourselves. However, the real problem comes after some bad experience. To the fear of being hurt again is added anger and even the continual search for culprits.

  • To avoid these states,  we have to be able to alleviate hypersensitivity. If you find that everything around you is surrounded by pins, your thin skin and sensitive heart will explode at the slightest touch.
  • Keep your mind calm, as sometimes your worst enemy is yourself. From today onwards, let balance inhabit your mental palace. Don’t focus your existence so much on what others do or say to validate themselves. The only person you should be valid for is yourself.
  • This overly subjective view of everything around you causes you to drift into obsessive thoughts. Remember,  people won’t love you for who you are, but for what you make them feel. If you’re always on the defensive, seeing pins everywhere, the only thing you’re going to get is for people to avoid you. Don’t fall into these vicious circles.
  • Sensitive people find adequate channels of expression in dimensions like art,  painting, music… Look for that medium where you can channel your sensibility, it will serve as a real relief.

Lastly, remember that being sensitive is a great virtue, but being hypersensitive is a defect. Although you’re a little more fragile and emotional than the rest of people, don’t make it a curse. Because being fragile is not being weak, it is having a more intense inner perception of what surrounds you. Take care of your self-esteem and take advantage of this ability.

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