Letter From A Mature Woman

letter from a mature woman

Growing up  implies accepting and loving ourselves and, above all, making peace with our “being a woman”,  since there is always the possibility of going through a complicated moment, where the darkness of problems can prevent us from seeing the way out… and we need to start meeting with ourselves, as a starting point, to reverse the situation. In this way we will avoid getting stuck, anchored, and will surpass ourselves.

As a mature woman you understand that, socially, we are constantly invited to question what maturity means in our hearts. Being eternally beautiful, using cosmetics to avoid aging and cheating time are the fundamental points of a social structure that does not allow us to mature fully.

For a woman approaching maturity, it is necessary to find an emotional point from which to connect with her  soul , essence and memories. Today we invite you to read a precious letter written by a woman immersed in that moment, with a multitude of feelings to share and from which we can always learn.

Mature and courageous woman to defend what she believes

Beautiful woman on the outside, beautiful on the inside, with skin as wonderful as you. Courageous to stand up for what you believe, but open and respectful of other opinions.  That’s how I felt in the endless and deep conversations we embarked on. Defender of children… you listened to me with your heart, we spoke with your soul…


Always willing to help. Demanding with herself. Cheerful, fun, beautiful smile wherever you are, affectionate, so you win me. Meticulous, perfectionist, attentive, who doesn’t miss anything. Committed to the closest ones to the end. Mother above all, also wife, sister, aunt, daughter. Loving the infinite, valuing the little things, seeing people’s hearts.

Take responsibility for what you can

Character, emotional woman who loves and suffers at the same time. Do you remember? Take responsibility  for what you can, but not for what you can’t give… if you don’t take care of yourself and pamper yourself, you’ll end up getting sick and so you won’t be able to help. Each of us must take our person and benefit from it.


Supports? The family almost always, financially, emotionally, loving us a lot without judging, but those who walk are always just us. By blaming others, we end up avoiding looking in the mirror. How bad envy is this! If we let it spread, there will be nothing left for yourself… just for the people around us. However, I love your joy, your will to live, your strength, even if you are weak; and I’ve already learned to deal with it, I allow it to live in me.

You’re worth what you are, not what you pretend to be

I enjoy, savor and turn everything into a smile when I think of you. You are like that, as delicious and wonderful as your pies… in texture, softness, beauty, work and flavor! Follow your path and don’t be discouraged. You’re not only worth what you work for, but who you are, because otherwise it wouldn’t do you so much good.

I will remember the history of the tree with affection and emotion. A planted tree remembering life. The body goes away, but the soul cannot be forgotten. You can see it in a leaf, in a fruit, in a root, in a seed, in a star. As long as a person remembers this tree, he will not die. It will always reinvent itself and just grow.

flower dress

Well, what more can I say, dear. That I am so glad that our paths have met. There are always good people walking… you just have to be well to see them and you are one of them. Many, many hugs with all my positive energy that is based on yours and will never let go. I give you all my love and understanding.

Until forever.

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