Live New Experiences

Live new experiences

How old do you think you will live? 60, 80, 90 years? It doesn’t matter what your age is or how long you will live, but the experiences you have had. I’m sure you want to try new things; this is quite normal, because new experiences generate more satisfaction than any material goods you might buy.

So this time we want to suggest some challenging experiences. They are very different from each other and maybe they have nothing to do with what you normally do. Accept the challenge!

run a marathon

Certainly, at first it may seem difficult, especially if you are not used to running. However, this is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in life, even if you run slowly or walk part of the marathon. In the end you will be full of energy and eager to do more.

Don’t be intimidated by professional runners, the idea is not to win, but to show yourself that you can take on any challenge. Maybe you’ll discover a new passion that, above all, will help you stay healthy.


Travel to an exotic location

Mali, Cuba, Machu Picchu? Visit any place you find exotic; it’s one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. Take the opportunity to get away from the routine while enjoying a special place. Just choose a place that inspires you and enjoy a few days to get to know it and live it fully.

You don’t need to spend a fortune to live this experience. Take advantage of the offers or choose a location that is within reach of your pocket. The idea is to “enjoy” a few days without pressure. Forget the routine and enjoy getting to know other cultures. It feels so good to do nothing for a few days!

live alone

Depending on your age and situation, you may already live alone, but if you still live with your parents or live with your partner, living alone can be a good experience.

If you’re single, don’t miss out on the opportunity to live alone for a few years. If you are married or living with your family, take a break and be alone for a week. This experience will help you appreciate what you have and focus on yourself.

adopt a pet

Adopting a pet is very good for physical and emotional health. Some see their dog or cat as a member of the family, and this is very easy to understand. They also adopt us as a member of their family and follow us everywhere.

Adopting an abandoned dog or cat can be one of the most rewarding experiences we can have. If you live alone, he will keep you company; if he lives with his parents, he will be the youngest member of that family. Don’t forget to be a responsible owner and you’ll find that the time you spend with your new friend is very special.

face a fear

Are you afraid of heights or confined spaces? Have you ever stopped to think that you limit yourself every time you refuse to face a fear? Reflect on all the experiences you missed because of your fears and imagine all you could gain if you weren’t fearful.


I believe that living life fully requires courage. Nothing will give you more energy and desire to keep going than realizing that you can overcome challenges. If you’re afraid of flying, buy the first plane ticket you find.

Dare to experiment, acknowledge your fears, face it and realize that nothing bad will happen. Overcoming fears brings new goals. Once you get over the fear of flying in an airplane, you’ll want to take a longer trip or fly in a balloon.

Don’t limit your new experiences

Perhaps you believe that you are not able to live these experiences that we have shown you. In reality, they are simple situations; just a little good will. It’s worth it, the results will be surprising and unforgettable: new beliefs, new friends, new knowledge about yourself . We will try?

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