My Goosebumps Tell My Story

My chills tell my story

I’m the one who made me shiver, even if it’s only been once in my life. I choose who caused a vibration in my body and, above all, in my soul. I’m one of those chills I’ll never forget, that made me feel alive.

People always say, in this sense, that we are made of little stories that we live every day and that, when added together, form our own story. However, I believe that we are made of goosebumps: what makes us feel in the world is precisely what comes from it and moves us, which allows us to dream and make that dream come true.

If you can be part of my story, know that you will always be in it

The truth is that, if we look inside ourselves for a moment, we will discover within ourselves everything I am talking about: we will see people, we will feel the caresses and smiles, we will again dry tears, we will evoke small details that make us be. a little bigger.

woman with a wolf

If we continue to get lost, we will discover a world of memories that will come back again, as if we went back in time. We will thus find everything that came into our life and remained forever, in the form of touches, smells, senses.

And all of this will stay here until the day we die: it will accompany us like our little marks of identity, like the shivers that made us feel part of the time.

The shiver is my selective memory

We all know that in matters of forgetting and memory, it is our mind that decides. It’s as if there’s room for everything we can get to live with, but we only have to select what we want to keep.

However, our selective memory does all the work itself. How many times have you tried to remember someone’s name, a phone number, or anything else in everyday life? It’s normal that you’ve forgotten, but you can always remember the first few times you were made to respond to the world like you hadn’t done before.

These are all goosebumps. Minutes, seconds, hours, days, weeks, months that will never happen again or that can be repeated whenever we close our eyes and go back to them… These are memories full of sensations and feelings.

woman with red hair

Don’t stop, look for new shivers that keep affirming who you are

It is true that we live on what we remember, but we also live on what we are able to gain again to transform into memory. Our gift should be a constant search for things that make us vibrate.

We can leave past memories in the past: it’s not about getting rid of them, it’s about creating new memories that complement the ones we already have. We can’t let the book finish before its time, but we have to know how to take advantage of all its pages and write everything we can.

And when the chills come, let them come, let them invade you and fill you. Don’t ask questions if they make you happy, you have the life to feel it. Never contradict a shiver. Don’t ignore him. Don’t want to run away from him, that’s never the answer.

Image courtesy of Lucy Campbell.

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