New Year’s Resolutions

New Year's Resolutions

Every end of the year is marked by phrases such as: next year will be different, next year I will go to the gym every day, I will no longer eat sweets, I will read a book a month. Anyway, we make New Year’s promises that we often can’t keep, or we’ve fulfilled half of the way, and that’s where the frustration comes.

A good way to develop a list of goals is to separate them. You can classify possible goals and goals that are not yet in the realm of possibilities but that you intend to turn into reality. It can also be classified as short, medium and long term goals. Make a kind of table and put your wishes, dreams and goals that you want to see come true next year.

new direction in the new year

Every dream that passes through our mind is possible to come true, and if you have no doubt that this is what you want, then this wish is genuine, which means it was born with you, it was planned even before you. could think of being here, and so this dream depends only on you and your commitment to make it come true.

Why is it so important to make a list in the new year?

We want so many things all the time that we often forget what we want, we’re not really sure. If I ask you now what you want out of life, can you answer everything you want? The list will serve in two ways, first you can list everything, even if it crosses your mind, make the scheme to separate by deadline and possibilities. You can reread the list each day to remember what you want, or choose one goal at a time to manifest. Another option is to save the list and review it every quarter or semester. You may be quite surprised to see how many things have taken shape within your list.

When you materialize your goals in written form, in addition to formalizing for you, bringing clarity about what you really want, you are still sending a more objective signal to the Universe, assuming that everything we think we can project in reality into that we live.

tranquility in the new year

A big step in manifesting our thoughts is to be able to align your thoughts with your feelings.  By putting the two in tune, you will be attracting and transforming everything you desire into reality. If you dream of being a ballerina, your thoughts are: you giving an excellent performance, a large audience, everyone applauding, but your feelings say that’s not possible because you’ve never danced in your life, haven’t taken any ballet course, don’t take really cool, anyway, what you really feel is that it’s not possible.

Choose a space to become your sacred place

After making a list of New Year’s goals and resolutions, begin to align your thoughts with your feelings and vice versa. For this you can choose a space where you will be every day for at least 5 minutes, and there you begin to imagine and feel with your body what it will be like when this dream becomes reality. When the “whys” come, trying to justify the reasons that make you feel powerless in relation to your goals, embrace them and take a deep breath, return to focus on the body sensations: identify sounds, smells, looks, people who are around, this is all part of the scenario when your dream comes true.

It was Shakespeare who said: We are made of the same stuff as our dreams. Take the opportunity to dream and fulfill when you have no doubts about your capacity, when you are free from guilt and attachment, when you immerse yourself in agape love and structure yourself in faith, your steps can only be led to a path that is the path of achievement. Feel free to dream.

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