Sow Hatred And Reap Violence

Sow Hate and Reap Violence

The main consequence of hatred is violence. Hate is like an uncontrollable appetite that is never sated. It is formed by anger, resentment, and it always finds a reason to flare up again. Without a doubt, it is one of the most enslaving passions for human beings.

There is usually a positive sense in this popular saying: “whoever plants, reaps”. However, in reality it applies for both good and evil. That is, if you sow love, you will reap love; but if you sow hatred, you will certainly reap hatred and violence.

Hate multiplies quickly

When someone attacks another person, for whatever reason, it generates a lot of anger and sadness : a wound that is difficult to heal. This pain depends on the magnitude of the offense received and the hurts that the person holds in the heart, according to the experiences already lived.

The more painful a person’s experience is, the more wounds we will encounter. Some people tend to remember the bad times more than the good ones, and they cling more to mistakes than to successes.


From aggression to hate it is just one step. A series of attacks create conditions to hate. Hatred settles in the heart and this unsettling feeling can be stronger than love. Aggression is increasing because there is always “an account to collect”.

nothing justifies violence

Violence never leads to anything good; it is usually born out of cowardice and ignorance. It is a behavior that denigrates and harms the human condition, including on the ethical and social plane.

Violence generates more violence and  its consequences are almost always the same: hatred, rancor and a great desire for revenge. This turns into a vicious circle, from which we cannot escape.

However, although there are rare occasions when violence can be understood as self-defense, we have serious doubts about its validity and acceptance. It should always be the last resort, that is, when there is no other way out. It is only valid when there is something very serious at risk.


Violence is not just physical or verbal aggression. There are profoundly violent gestures that don’t need a single word. For example, when someone denigrates the other just by looking or is an accomplice to an injustice, for mere convenience, because reporting can cause problems.

No matter how subtle or disguised this type of violence is, it always has some effect. It provokes in the other a series of resentments and forms a dramatic circle where two people are intimately connected by an unhealthy feeling.

Almost all people who use violence believe they are right. When we examine these hatreds that last for years and even centuries, we realize that each of those involved believes that their aggressions are just a fully justified act of defense.

crying woman

They want to avoid aggression and attack first. They want to be respected and do everything to terrorize the other. They want peace and do their best to silence those who think differently. So, if they receive an aggression in return, they confirm the validity of their purposes.

For example, why is it that when we tell a lie, we plan everything so well that we almost always reach our goal? Why when we tell the truth we find so many obstacles and rejections for its realization?

Break the cycle of hate and violence?

Forgiveness sets free. Peace is the “sine qua non” condition for happiness. However, neither forgiving nor achieving peace are automatic acts. They require deep reflection that begins with acknowledging our mistakes and misunderstandings. .

The world needs strong and courageous beings who are not afraid to step back to avoid conflict. They are able to remain calm and wait until the other calms down to initiate a productive dialogue. They try to understand the other, instead of judging him, condemning him and even punishing him.


Maybe we need people who are bold, daring and determined to break the “bad habits”. People willing to plant good seeds in the gardens of personal growth: an interesting way to resist the high level of violence, tension and aggressiveness in which we live… and that prevents us from taking the blindfold off.


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