Suffering Exists, But It Will Not Control My Life

Suffering exists, but it won't control my life

We’ve all been hurt at some point in our lives, and at some point we’ve hurt someone too. In this sense, it is likely that the damage caused was unconscious or, unfortunately, quite the opposite.

On the other hand, each person gives their stories the importance they believe they have, because suffering is very relative. Some people suffer a lot for a situation that for us would be just a setback, and vice versa. The truly human is to understand that every circumstance is worthy of respect.

In any case, it is necessary to “let go” of suffering to be able to live with inner harmony. In fact, it’s hard to face the moment when the only remedy is to accept what happened, but we can do it. And if we do, we will achieve our goals.

experience your suffering

There is a lot of talk that pain is bad and it is entirely logical that we want to stay away from suffering. We don’t want any negative facts to break our emotional balance and make us feel at a “dead end”. To some extent, we have enough tools to overcome pain, but we are never prepared when it comes.

alleviate suffering

We all know that suffering is a possibility, but we can not easily adapt to the blows that life gives us. However, we have spoken several times here about the positive side of suffering: the teachings, the learning.

The teaching that comes from the experiences we live is like a small seed, from which we gather valuable fruits along the way. From this point of view, it is good to allow yourself to suffer, learn from suffering and absorb the details of life to the fullest.

It takes mistakes to learn to value and appreciate success. It’s good to cry so we can see the situation from another perspective and ease our heart. It is definitely good to understand that, during a trip, there are ups and downs, and if we fall during these descents there is no problem at all, the important thing is to learn how to get up.

Don’t let the past make you suffer

When we are there, at the bottom of a deep well, we feel that the tools to get out of that place are beyond our reach. When we can’t overcome the past, the shadow of that feeling keeps us “bottomed out”.

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In other words, we live in a time when this suffering no longer exists, but sometimes it scratches our memories of the past. If this is happening, it is because we cannot leave the past behind. Live in the present moment and go your way. Remember that the past cannot come back to harm us if we don’t allow it to happen.

We’ll only be sure that we’ve overcome suffering the moment we look back and realize that the memories no longer cause pain and don’t control us. We don’t deserve to suffer forever; forgive the other or forgive yourself, depending on what the situation is.

regain control

Suffering temporarily robs us of control of our lives, however, with patience and courage, we manage to regain it. The command is yours: you are the one at the helm to go wherever you want to go from now on.

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Take your suitcase full of useful feelings and leave behind what no longer serves you. We got lost along the way, but now we’re back on the right path and we won’t allow ourselves to get lost again. And if by chance fate changes our course, we will know how to find each other again.

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