Tall Man Syndrome, A Form Of Narcissism

There are people who feel superior to others only because of their position, physical attributes or social status. This behavior predicts a type of narcissism that is defined as the tall man or tall woman syndrome. Let’s look at it in more detail.
Tall Man Syndrome, A Form of Narcissism

Tall man syndrome has nothing to do with height. In fact, it is not gender-specific either, as this type of behavior can be observed in both men and women. This designation describes people who, upon attaining status in any sphere, begin to exhibit arrogant, haughty, and clearly narcissistic behavior.

Does this mean, then, that achieving success almost inevitably involves a tendency toward selfishness and arrogant character? The answer is no. Not in all cases and not for those who have always shown a more affable, empathetic and compassionate personality. However, there is a type of characteristic that appears in some people. They are those that, by gaining a position of greater relevance, show a greater development of their own arrogance.

We can say, therefore, that a basic component, a trend, already existed. There is also another striking aspect that we have seen on more than one occasion: there are those who do not manage success well. It is what in ancient Greece was defined as hybrids , a behavior in which there is no control of one’s impulses and excessive arrogance is shown. It is the hero who ends up subjugating the people and the innocent. Let’s delve a little deeper into this concept.

Network of interconnected people

What is the tall man syndrome?

Tall man syndrome does not describe any psychological disorder . We are aware that we are often faced with an excess of syndromes, concepts that try to label behaviors. In this plethora of definitions, the aim is not to pathologize anything, it is just to highlight a type of behavior that is seen frequently. Naming them helps us to identify them.

The first time we found this designation was in 2011. It was Dr. Susan Heitlem, a professor at Harvard University and author of several books on clinical psychology, who explained in an article the existence of a type of profile that she often encountered: o tall man, a kind of narcissism born of success.

Likewise, authors such as Jim Collins, one of the most known gurus in the field of management , also spoke about this idea in one of his books entitled How the Mighty Fall: And Why Some Companies Never Give In ( As the giants fall and why some companies never give up , Brazilian version). Thus, something very appreciated is how organizations that manage to position themselves in a specific market end up falling on their own due to poor management, weak leadership and the narcissistic behavior of many of their leaders. Let’s see the reasons and characteristics that define them.

I was successful by having “superior” qualities

Most people achieve success on their own merits: effort, talent, perseverance and their own abilities. Others, on the other hand, succeed through the luck factor or through the help of others. Tall man syndrome is usually associated with this last factor. These are profiles in which base arrogance, upon reaching a position of power, is accentuated and becomes a more harmful narcissism.

It is then that these people begin to verbalize ideas that their position is due to superior qualities, not luck. Only they are worthy of this sphere of power because they have their own distinctive characteristics for success. In the long run, they fail to take care of the needs of the environment and apply an uncompromising approach in which, far from learning, innovating, or revitalizing a company’s machinery, they keep it stagnant.

Tall Man Syndrome: I am the most attractive, the richest, the most powerful

The tall man syndrome appears in men and women who believe they are better than others because they have certain attributes. In other words, we are not just talking about entrepreneurs or leaders of an organization who boast about their professional success. This psychological reality also defines who feels superior for being more attractive, for being a better athlete, for being richer, for being more socially successful, etc.

All of this comes at a cost. This behavior in which the person feels superior for having a quality that (in his opinion) is lacking in others results in this clearly narcissistic way of relating and communicating. That’s when they begin to apply behaviors that feed on the I’m better than you and that’s why I’m right .

What you do is useless compared to what I do, what you say or decide has no relevance compared to what I say or do… The cost of this type of dynamic is clear: conflicts, social and affective relationships bad, harmful environments, emotional wear, stress on the people around… 

the tall man syndrome

What would be the origin of the tall woman or the tall man?

There are many people who mismanage success. There are many men and women who reach a position of power at any given time and soon fall because of excesses, mismanagement and narcissistic behavior that wears down the climate, relationships, the business project. Other leaders, on the other hand, resist and position their organization for its remarkable human and business value.

We also see excessively people who are impossible to live with because of their expanded view of themselves. However, if we ask ourselves about the origin of this behavior, it is easy to place the focus on childhood and the education received. There are children with Emperor Syndrome who end up developing the Tall Man Syndrome or the Tall Woman Syndrome in adulthood.

They are children who are deified by their parents and pampered in an extreme way. They are tyrannical children with little empathy, little ones who live on their throne of power, receiving attention and answers to every desire, every whim. When we create people with no clear boundaries, it doesn’t take them long to become tall men or women. Narcissists, after all. 

Let’s keep this in mind and avoid these actions in the education of children in order to make our society a more livable and respectful space for all.

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