The Importance Of Care

Care is all those behaviors that aim to meet a need, whether emotional or physical. However, something so beautiful and whole is not considered as important as it deserves.
The importance of care

To talk about the importance of care, let’s start in 2008, when one of the biggest economic crises in our recent history began. This has happened all over the world, although some countries have experienced it a little more strongly. The funny thing is that economic crises are remembered and very well documented. In them, several variables that have to do with causes and consequences are analyzed.

However, there are other crises that are also global and that affect us as much or more than the economic ones. We live immersed in a crisis of values ​​in which, among other things, activities related to the care of people are being systematically degraded. We’ll delve into that next.

The importance of emotional care

Where are we going?

Does promoting people’s independence and autonomy imply becoming an individualistic society? The answer is clear and forceful: no. If we want to become a socially advanced society, we must promote these kinds of values.

However, sometimes both ideas, that of autonomy and that of individualization, tend to get mixed up. The latter has little to do with social evolution, but rather with the fallacious idea that we don’t need anyone to be happy. And it is here, in the distinction between these two trends – completely opposite – that care comes into play. Taking care of people is one of our brands, not as humans, but as animals.

All species in the animal kingdom have a broad repertoire of caring behaviors from their peers. As we configure ourselves as “more evolved beings”, we should have more evolved attitudes towards human care. However, the reality is a little different.

Consideration about the importance of care today

We understand by care all behaviors that aim to meet needs of different natures (physical, emotional, social…). Wherever there is a vulnerability, certain cares continue. Not to mention that, in particular, the human being has numerous vulnerabilities that make the existence of a care network really necessary.

Given the importance of care, it should enjoy an important social consideration, but nothing could be further from reality. We often, either explicitly or implicitly, detract from behaviors and attitudes towards care. In fact, people who work caring for others tend not to have very good working conditions and also tend to suffer considerable emotional strain.

The importance of care

Care as a philosophy of life

Perhaps the word “care” conjures up a much smaller image than it actually means. Caring behavior is often associated with a medical context in which an illness exists. Yes, of course care in health settings is very important, but there are more settings in which people are cared for.

Emotional care is an example. Monitoring, showing availability, hugging, comforting, calming, reassuring… At some point we will need to be emotionally cared for, because in life there are many situations that we have to accept and that will cause us pain and suffering.

It’s hard to imagine a dedication as pure, beautiful and necessary as taking care of people. Whether on a professional or personal level, care today does not have the importance, respect and social support it deserves.

In a social climate where tension, provocation and confrontation are increasingly prominent, the most powerful revolution has to be that of caring for people.

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