The Trash Can Metaphor

The Trash Can Metaphor

The use of metaphors and experiential exercises is very common for us to clarify hidden or difficult to resolve aspects in our lives.

Some new therapies, such as Wilson and Hayes’ Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, already use them as one of their main tools.

In this article, we will deal with one of them and then we will explain its meaning so that you can apply it in your daily life.

puzzle piece

the power of your thoughts

Get a trash can and fill it with garbage. If you don’t have a trash can, imagine one that’s filled with all sorts of trash. So, ask yourself if you would be able to reach into the garbage can. Obviously, the answer is usually no.

In a second situation, imagine now that, at the bottom of the trash, there is something that is really important to you. It can be money, the possibility of establishing a relationship with the person you want, recovery from an illness, etc. Now would you stick your hand in the trash?

If what we set out to do is truly important, you would stick your hand in the trash. However, would you feel “disgusted”? Most likely yes, but unlike the first situation, in this second, “feeling disgusted” makes sense, it has a purpose.

We’re not asking you to stick your hand in the trash thinking this is something wonderful or smelling a nice aroma. But the desire to achieve a goal drives us to do things that have unpleasant psychological consequences. 

If we believe the end result is worth it, we won’t mind this unpleasant moment to get to it. Therein lies the importance of working properly on your values.

heap of garbage

What does this metaphor mean?

Basically, this metaphor tries to break with the literalness of thoughts and behaviors that most people have, although in some cases it is more accentuated than in others.

Let’s look at an example:

– You get up in the morning and honestly, your thinking about yourself and what will happen in your day is not very “positive”. You tend to spin your head, your mind starts repeating phrases like: “Nothing works for me”, “I’m garbage”, “I’ll never do well in this job”, etc.

Faced with this situation, the metaphor we expose wants to send a message to you:  what are you going to do with this thought?

In other words… Are you willing to put up with fatigue and unforeseen events, to reach into the trash to reach what’s valuable at the bottom of it? A mortgage payment, maybe a job promotion? Or, on the contrary… are you going to freak out with these thoughts and, since you think you’re garbage, you’re going to throw yourself into the trash?

What do you want?

woman thinking

Your decision:

If the goal is really worth it, the metaphor is telling you that enduring stressful days or workloads is necessary to achieve what you want ; no matter how you feel, thoughts and feelings are automatic, but that’s not why we should not throw them all away.

Sometimes we think we can’t go on and feel discouraged, and that’s normal. Knowing that this feeling is part of the process is really important. There will be pleasant moments and others not so much; the point is to keep in mind that  what you want costs something.

For example, if your work is valuable to you and you don’t want to lose it, it’s common to endure hard times; in addition, you will become a more resilient, effective, and constant person. Think about the costs and benefits of letting your thoughts go and weigh the consequences.

Of course, if you act without getting carried away, you will have control over your thoughts because you will let them exist and you can still act functionally.

The fact that we put in the effort, persist, stay on track, and get through difficulties is something that has value when we get what we want:  the satisfaction of having achieved it on our own merits.

So, remember this metaphor before you throw everything away and yourself in the trash…

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