Top 10 Psychology Phrases

Top 10 Psychology Phrases

Since the emergence of psychology as a scientific discipline, there have been many authors whose contributions were fundamental. It is difficult to synthesize all the ideas that contributed to its development,  but we will highlight the most famous ones. Some of these psychology phrases will be familiar to you, while others are less popular. No doubt they will all make you think.

We want to invite you to take a walk through the history of psychology, through the abstractions of its main authors. All of them, thanks to their discoveries, marked a before and after and continue to serve as the basis for several current researches.

Positive coping in psychology sentences

Carl Rogers was one of the great references of humanistic psychology and defended a positive view of the human being. He did not deny the existence of hostility and the dangers that exist in the world, as well as the problems people have to face. However, he highlights the importance of facing all these difficulties with positive encouragement and an optimistic outlook. From your point of view, we can all become the kind of people we want to be.
woman lying on the grass

Learning through a flexible mindset

If we lived in a very poor country where drinking water was a utopia, thinking about the next car we were going to buy would be incoherent, right? So this is one of the best psychology phrases.

Maslow invites us to reflect on how context changes the way we think. Go deeper into how we constantly adapt the way we see reality and how it changes depending on the environment, the means we have and our thoughts.

The importance of resolving conflicts

As a disciple of Freud, Jung was one of the most prominent authors to theorize about the incidence of people’s intrapsychic life. That’s why he talked about  the importance of solving problems and not repressing them, because when we hide them, they can suddenly surface. His book “Conflitos da Alma Infantil” is considered one of the most important books about the intimate life of children.

What is transmitted is not always understood

Sometimes we speak as if the person in front of us shares our ideas. Virginia Satir, one of the most important psychologists in history, encourages us to consider the considerations of others.

Virginia invites us to interact with each other by embracing her point of view and her way of understanding life. If we treat our points of view as the only correct ones, we will be weakening our communicative power.

tree shaped head

Tolerance is shown by what we don’t like

Chomsky is one of today’s most influential psycholinguists and thinkers. This reflection refers to the ease with which we generally accept people with whom we share opinions and tastes, and the difficulty we have in accepting those who are at the opposite end of our ideas. It is here, in controversy and difference, that we show our true tolerance.

Self-fulfillment comes with the satisfaction of values

This anthropological proposal by Frankl is intended to be motivating in itself. This author reassesses the spiritual dimension of people and applies it to the achievement of the raised goals. Because only through it will we achieve self-fulfillment in line with our values.

Viktor Frankl believes that the ultimate meaning of life goes beyond what we are capable of understanding. Without a doubt, this is one of the phrases of psychology that is worth keeping in mind in our daily lives.

The greatness of living lies in love

This is another one of the best psychology phrases. We can find it in the book “A Arte de Amar”. Erich Fromm believes that love can overcome the barriers of isolation and loneliness.

In love is kindness, nobility and generosity. Giving love is the way to achieve true happiness,  ours and those around us.

heart drawn in glass

Uncertainty is a constant in life

This French psychologist studies the limited use of reason and the unconscious use of mental shortcuts and heuristics to make decisions. Therefore, it considers that people have to live with the cognitive prejudices of which we are victims, including uncertainty. And, most importantly, learn to accept and manage them.

Valuing the present daily

Seligman, as a pioneer of positive psychology, believes that happiness is intrinsic to human beings. That’s why it’s sometimes good to stop to think and appreciate everything around us. This will increase our inner strength and make us live in constant harmony, taking us away from worries and sorrows.

man traveling alone

Is it possible to learn to think?

In the face of traditional theories, Skinner considered that motivation is not related to people’s needs. In other words, it is not necessary to take into account the desires and reasons that drive individuals to action. Thus, he considered this learning to think as a behavioral training, which is part of his instrumental conditioning.

These are all some of the best psychology phrases of all time. Maybe they’re not the prettiest, but they’re the ones that keep the essence of this discipline. They cover the main fields of study and research. Furthermore, they allow us to look from another perspective to deeper approaches in terms of aspects of human existence.

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