What Is Your Personality?

What is your personality?

Knowing what your personality type is can help your personal growth. The more you know yourself, the more security you will have to face life and to see if you need to change something, if there is any excess that reduces your quality of life. Reflect to find out what your personality type is: we may have many characteristics of different personality types, but there will certainly be one that stands out and with which you identify the most.

personality types


They are people obsessed with perfection; they are very rational and apply discipline in an extreme way. They are authoritarian and demanding of themselves and others. They can become “boring” because they want to correct everything they believe is not correct in others. They are never satisfied with anything, they think that everything could be better and that is why they are always angry and smile a little.

loyal and dependent

They place a high value on trust and sincerity; are very friendly and dedicated to others. When they identify with someone, they are completely loyal, trustworthy and responsible. They have a special sensitivity and when they like someone they can get so attached that they put the person at the center of their life.

lock heart

provocative and challenging

They are the kind of people who never agree with others. “Being a contrarian” is its most prominent feature. They need to rule, dominate and stand out, even if it’s because of their differences. The opinion of others does not influence them at all, they have their own ideas and act in the way they believe is the most correct. They can become cruel and mean if their orders are not carried out. They want to be leaders anyway and impose their dictatorship; they don’t express their emotions and believe they are invincible.

Caregiver and Cooperator

They are more interested in the well-being of others than they are in themselves. They are excessively concerned with the other, they are generous, a little possessive and very loving. They are sensitive and selfless; like to help without expecting anything in return. They are happy when people need their help.

Enthusiastic and outgoing

They are happy, spontaneous, funny and very active people. They like to socialize and participate in new projects; they are ambitious and impulsive. They need constant and varied activities and direct contact with people so they don’t feel bored.

individualistic and introverted

Unlike the previous personality, the individualist and introvert is a reserved person . You prefer to be alone with your ideas and projects than in groups.  They are respectful, serious, imaginative, fanciful, discreet and very intuitive. They have a lot of creativity and can dedicate themselves to some profession related to art. As they are not very fond of socializing, they have not developed skills in dealing with others and may seem shy, insecure and reserved.

researcher and creator

They are very independent; they want to create, investigate and invent what does not yet exist. They are like sponges, they use everything they learn to go further and innovate. They like to be alone with their thoughts and develop their perceptions, which can sometimes seem unusual. They like to learn and this dedication makes them great professionals and experts in their field of action.

creative personality

leader and winner

They are very secure, brilliant, know each other well and know how to use their qualities for their own benefit. They accept and like themselves, so they are genuine and nice people; adapt to any situation, challenges do not frighten them. They have great emotional intelligence and are always looking for success in all areas of their lives. They are good people, honest, charming, human and have the respect and admiration of others.

Peaceful and peaceful

They are very calm, stable and balanced. They stand out for their simplicity, modesty and patience. They don’t like bad environments, so they do anything to harmonize their surroundings. People around them like them very much because they find support, kindness, positivity and relaxation. They are very spiritual and pacify any conflict.

There is no one personality type better than another. Each has its good and bad sides; all things in excess can be harmful. As always, everything in balance is better. What is your personality that stands out the most?

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