What It Means To Be A Mother

what does it mean to be a mother

It will teach you how to fly…
But they won’t fly your flight.
It will teach you to dream…
But they won’t dream your dream.
It will teach you how to live…
But you will not live your life.
He will teach you how to sing…
But they won’t sing his song.
It will teach you to think…
But they won’t think like you.
However, you will know that every time you fly, dream, live, sing and think…
You will be the seed of the path taught and learned!

Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Being a mother is not just about changing diapers, warming bottles or struggling with baby food. This is just the beginning; that’s when a mother realizes that she is capable of doing anything for her child.

Being a mother means changing your life, your time, your thinking, giving all your heart, your love to take your children forward and teach them to live.

It means having a reason for being for the rest of your life ; wanting to enjoy and live each moment to the fullest. Having mixed feelings when seeing your children growing up, feeling joy and longing as they progress through life.

If there is a real and sincere love, it is a mother’s love. It is eternal and infinite. In reality, being a mother means following in the footsteps of these little teachers, your children, until they become adults. Without even knowing it, they teach us to love unconditionally.

Being a mother means never being alone in thought again. A mother always thinks for two: for herself and for her children. A mother feels lucky because she knows they are her greatest treasure.

Motherhood not only brings joy, but also a lot of crying and grief. Many sleepless nights, endless worries, chasing children, inventing a thousand ways to camouflage vegetables and fish, enduring and tolerating fights with all the patience in the world.

Being a mother is not just changing diapers

what a mother does for her children

It hurts a lot for a mother to say no to her children, challenge them, see them fall, abandon their dreams, or waste their abilities. But she also wants them to learn the importance of boundaries. Your children will respect her more if they believe she should be the authority figure in this relationship.

A mother cannot live for her children, but shares everything with them. Therefore, a mother tries, each day, to sew huge, fast wings that allow them to fly much higher.

A mother wants “all the best” in her children’s lives, but she also wants them to learn to sail on the high seas in the face of storms . He knows that his children must learn to walk alone and evolve with their mistakes and successes.

They know their children’s faults better than anyone else, but they accept them and don’t hide them. They know if they’re okay just by looking , because mothers are experts at detecting emotions.

A mother carries a very heavy load on her shoulders. She feels guilty and responsible for her children’s problems. You probably sacrifice your goals, aspirations or your life for them, which makes mothers the most generous people in the world.

When their children wake up at night with a fever, when they want to face the world and overcome all obstacles, encourage them to move forward and, above all, protect them, is what makes mothers the greatest example of courage and love.

Mothers are the strongest people in the world, because their weakness is their strong point and this sets fire to their hearts and their will to live every day.

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