You Don’t Have To Change Anything To Be Happy!

You don't need to change anything to be happy!

One of the most important goals for human beings, no matter what culture or what social or economic level they belong to, is to be happy.  However, this is a concept that has different meanings for everyone and even changes over time and with different circumstances in life.

Thus, some think that happiness can be found in spiritual values, others in professional goals and, for the vast majority, the secret of happiness is in a good love relationship. However, one of the consequences of this search is that, by reaching one of the goals that seemed essential to us, others were created along the way, which also ended up becoming indispensable for the encounter with happiness.  Does this mean that happiness doesn’t exist?

happy moments, happy lives

Happiness is far from being a place we have arrived, it is more like a collection of moments that, at the end of the day, make us satisfied people.  However, some daily practices prevent us from making the most of these small “happiness”; for example: not leaving the pains, losses and frustrations of the past behind.

In other words, constantly remembering what made us unhappy in the past will also make us unhappy in the present… And this is nothing like happiness. Leaving these experiences behind is harder than we think, as sometimes they represent who we are, but  we must understand that if they hurt us, it means they are no longer worth it.

Another habit that prevents us from realizing the happiness we already have is the constant complaint of the situation in which we currently find ourselves. For example, we wake up in the morning thinking that we need to go to a frustrating job that makes us sick, and we go all the way repeating that without that job, we would be much happier… So that’s when we’re completely confused and sad that, finally, we started to feel worse and worse.

If, instead of just complaining, we started to accept that we are where our decisions have taken us and therefore it can’t be that bad, we would no longer feel this enormous burden and we could start releasing the weight that we carry. It’s funny, but once we accept things as they are, they start to change.

let us be grateful

This is a habit that can be cultivated. Giving thanks for what we have and what makes us happy completely changes our outlook, as we stop wanting, for a moment, what we don’t have.  We have enough time to wish for what would make our lives better, meaning our lives aren’t completely saturated with things that don’t leave us time to think. We are not too tired to imagine what we could be, or have something more.

In all of our lives there is something, at least one aspect, working almost perfectly. And, usually, he is the one we pay the least attention to. So how about starting to recognize him, say thank you for having him in such a good situation and continue with everything we have? After all, we will feel happier and start moving in the direction we deserve, or even realizing that where we are is exactly where we should be.

Image Credits: Ben Raynal

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