Your Body And Self-healing

your body and self-healing

There is nothing miraculous or esoteric, nor does it have anything to do with unfounded popular beliefs. In fact, science has already proven that the body has mechanisms to heal itself, without the aid of medication.

This is not a recent discovery. Hippocrates, considered the father of medicine, used several therapeutic treatments that assume that the body has the necessary mechanisms for self-healing. According to these principles, the physician should only facilitate this process and not intervene directly in it.

Currently, the medicine known as “alternative or complementary” uses these principles in its treatments.

However, the issue is not as simple as contracting an illness and sitting around waiting for it to be cured.

the concept of disease

The idea that the body can heal itself is closely linked to the concept of illness. Not all medical approaches share the same principles.

Traditional allopathic medicine, for example, believes that disease is an alteration of the normal functions of the body. In the words of the World Health Organization: “disease is an alteration or deviation in the physiological state of one or more parts of the body, for generally known causes, manifested through characteristic symptoms, and whose evolution is more or less predictable.”

From this point of view, medical performance should aim to restore the proper functioning of the body. For this they use a wide variety of medications, including chemotherapy.

The approach of alternative medicine is completely different. The disease appears when there is an imbalance between the body and the environment in which it lives, including food and lifestyle.

Therefore, the aim of the cure is not to make the disease disappear, but to restore the lost balance. Alternative medicine assumes that emotions play a key role in the healing process. Any treatment must target the mind and body. If the mind is healthy, the body heals quickly.


All living organisms are endowed with a mechanism that allows them to restore balance: homeostasis. In a nutshell, it is the body’s ability to adapt. Allows the body to activate self-regulation without being affected by external events.

All organs must be able to contribute to the homeostatic process to maintain good health. Biologically, we are equipped for everything to work correctly.

When we get sick, a traditional healer will seek this balance through the action of an external agent. A doctor who uses alternative medicine will treat the diseased organ, so that it recovers its capacity and contributes to the balance of the body.

your body and self-healing


Health and illness depend on our emotional state,  and this can be explained easily.

All organs in the body have nerve endings and are connected to the central nervous system; are influenced to different degrees by our brain.

If you feel angry, for example, various effects will occur in your body, such as increased heart rate and muscle tension. When anger becomes constant, these physiological changes begin to affect all the organs involved with the feeling. So probably, at some point, you will develop an illness.

The same applies to all other emotions and feelings. There is no way to experience emotions and feelings only subjectively; they all change your body’s physiology.

The body gets sick from the action of self-destructive feelings and emotions. However, you can heal yourself if you work on these negative feelings. Get to know yourself better and find the answers to your emotional discomfort.

This self-knowledge is very important in the case of chronic illnesses. The answer may be in our minds and not the medications we take.

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