Your Child Is Born, A Treasure Arrives

Your child is born, a treasure arrives

When your child is born, a treasure arrives, since at last you have before your eyes the fruit of the enormous love that human beings feel for life.

The respect and affection that every person needs to feel for others finds its culmination when the little one comes into the world from his mother’s womb.

the arrival of a child

The arrival of a child should always be the fruit of love. When two people love each other with all their souls, they decide to bring to the world the fruit of this union, which is crystallized in the birth of the little one, which symbolizes everything that is beautiful and beautiful in the relationship.

But, in this case, we don’t want there to be confusion with couple love so that a child has to reach the world.

If you love human life with all your strength, wish with your soul to confirm your passage through this land and love the world of the little ones and its singularities and wonders, you are in full power so that this little being that will appear in your life arrives and puts it upside down.

A child always has to be wanted. Childbirth is a natural act that perpetuates the species, but we must not let it remain in something merely evolutionary.

Human beings, lovers of giving meaning to everything, have the power to make the arrival of a child symbolize all that is good and beautiful between us.

a child is a treasure

your child is born

He appears in the world with the innocence of one who knows nothing. We are your parents, guardians and protectors. We have to protect your conscience from everything that is bad and negative around us.

Our mission, in addition to loving these little ones, is to let us be influenced by their passion for learning and discovering.  Children have a real ability to do the simplest of things, incredible acts full of novelty.

For your child, every thing he learns, no matter how simple it may seem, is a real discovery. Think of the pirate who finally finds his longed-for treasure. For them, everything is magical, mysterious and surprising. There is a world to see and learn from.

ward off negativism

It is very important to remove anything that is negative and could affect your learning.

A child is a legacy. Our way of being, education, genes and attitudes towards life end up being reflected in the habits of the little one.

A child who begins to discover his world and his surroundings is happy. It vibrates with everything, no matter how simple it is. Obviously, it is not possible to stop time so that it will always be like this. But we have the ability to create a world between all of us that allows you to live in an environment of peace, love, kindness and respect.

a child is a treasure

the world belongs to children

We live in a world that can feel painful and harsh at times. But they don’t have to pay for our mistakes.

We must be inspired every day of our existence in their innocence and passion for life. They are our fruit, our treasure. It is our mission to prevent them from growing up in an unhappy and overly competitive environment.

If we look closely at the happy innocence of children, we adults have much more to learn from them than the other way around. They walk around every day with a smile on their lips. Be enchanted by the flight of a butterfly and marvel at the taste of chocolate ice cream. Isn’t this beauty of the simplest things awesome?

Our treasures must be protected and loved above all else in the world. They are the most beautiful thing a human being is capable of creating.

And our mission is to return the affection to them with all our strength. Never forget that. Your child is born, a treasure arrives. There is nothing in life that is more beautiful and important. Enjoy it and take care of it, because it’s wonderful.

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