Your Mind Reasons And Your Heart Knows

Your mind reasons and your heart knows

You find yourself in a tug of war between what your mind tries to impose and what your heart wants to feel. And then you don’t know what to do. Are you going to be guided by the emotions that arise from within or are you going to calmly reflect on the situation?

The truth is, you would do anything to feel free and happy. You would let yourself go without limits if you really knew that this is what you need. However, you don’t know. You have doubts that your heart will lead you to a place where you will suffer, so you make your mind avoid it. “Who should I listen to?” You must be asking yourself.

Well, it  ‘s beneficial to your future well-being that you listen to your mind and heart. Yes, to both. Both have things to say to you: each has its own specific characteristics to understand and act in front of the world.

what your mind has to say

When there is a conflict between the mind and the heart, many people try to take a stand. On the one hand, there are those who believe that reason is superior to feelings because  letting us go  with them makes us vulnerable. On the other hand, some believe that emotion is essential for being able to love others, and they say that love moves us.

bird-head woman

The truth is, everyone is partly right. The human being is characterized by having reason and heart, and both form a whole that cannot be divided.  Separated, in fact, they are dangerous: the mind uses logic but forgets what it feels; the heart guides, but without control, it can be wrong.

If you don’t know what to do, starting to listen to your head is a good option. First, because she is in charge of thinking, discussing and establishing sense to her innermost being. Second, because it  ‘s your mind that’s going to give you some of the sanity you might need.

what your heart has to say

However, if you have no choice but to tip the scales a little more to the side, don’t let your heart be the servant of your thought. Remember that,  in logic, the right does not always have to act if it is not in line with what you feel. It’s good to hear what the heart has to say.

heart-bearer woman

It is possible that you have attributed to him the property of being blind, and yet he is the part of your body that knows most things. Have you ever heard that reason ignores what the heart already knew before? The heart understands, above all, adrenaline, intuition, misfortune, love and strength. It’s who will make sense of what you do, even if you don’t believe you have any sense at all.

Emotion is decisive in a rational process. In fact, they say that it  is our feelings that mark the way, but that it is the head that chooses the best way to place ourselves on it.

calm, ear, caution

Calmness listening and caution need to be the measures of your movements. Everything you need to feel better and focus on what’s inside of you. The truth is, there is  certainly some point where you agree with what confuses you.  Especially, keep in mind that you cannot predict what will happen, but you must not allow a decision to harm you before it even happens.

It is necessary to harmonize the confusion in which you find yourself. You’ll get by listening, setting priorities and values ​​that get closer to where you want to go. It won’t do any good to turn your back on your mind, ignore it, because you’re going to meet the right circumstances. It is also no use not following the heart, because then you will never understand the reason for moving in one direction or another.

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